Team member: Saman Saeedi
As the resonance wavelength of micro-ring modulators is susceptible to temperature fluctuations, they require thermal tuning. Sophisticated techniques and circuitry have been proposed to stabilize the temperature fluctuations in micro-ring modulators such as output optical power feedback, bit error-rate (BER) feedback, feedback through scattered light. These techniques require extra optical power on the silicon-photonic chips or complex circuitry for implementation. In this project a monolithic PTAT temperature sensor is proposed for thermal stabilization of micro-ring resonator modulators through direct measurement of temperature.
Related Publications
S. Saeedi, A. Emami, “Silicon-photonic PTAT temperature sensor for micro-ring resonator thermal stabilization,” Optics Express, vol.23, no.17, pp.21875-21883, Aug. 2015, DOI: 10.1364/OE.23.021875
[ PDF ]S. Saeedi, A. Emami, “Silicon-photonic PTAT temperature sensor for micro-ring resonator thermal stabilization,” IEEE European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 2015.
[ PDF ]