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Congratulations to Dr. Saransh Sharma for being elected among the winners of the 2023 Demetriades-Tsafka-Kokkalis Prize

Congratulations to Dr. Saransh Sharma for being elected among the winners of the 2023 Demetriades-Tsafka-Kokkalis Prize! The Demetriades – Tsafka – Kokkalis Prizes are awarded annually to PhD candidates selected for the best thesis, publication, or discovery in select fields. Saransh Sharma, advised by Professor Azita Emami, has received the prize in Biotechnology or Related […]

Congratulations to Arian Hashemi for the acceptance of his paper to OFC for oral presentation: a novel 200Gbps transmitter in SiP.

Congratulations to Arian for the acceptance of his paper to OFC for oral presentation. A.H. Talkhooncheh, A. Zilkie, G. Yu, R. Shafiiha, A. Emami, “A 200Gb/s QAM-16 Silicon Photonic Transmitter With 4 Binary-Driven EAMs in an MZI Structure“,  Optical Fiber Communication Conference & Exposition (OFC), 2023